Pretty nice
This is a pretty solid track dude, at first it reminded me of an old genesis game, during a fast pace racing scene of some sorts. Bass line groovs pretty well, lead synth is a good fit playing a cool, battlesque melody. I like the very fast arpeggio in the second phase and then the next synth working into the mix and then the sick harmonies. So you sequenced this track pretty damn well and arranged the riffs to make for an effective battle composition. Drum beat is a swell fit and keeps the rocking groove moving, but if you could replace the FPC stock samples that would be great. Wouldnt be bad if you incorporated some fast tom rolls in transitions too.
the mixing could be polished a bit more. The lead synth is loud and apparent, but during the more layered parts, you may want to lower the overall volumes a bit more and maybe put some light compression on this. (although I hear no clipping from my headphone standpoint) its just sounds like the other instruments in the background are competiting to be heard, and it drowns some of the drums out in some sections ( in the first phase I can barely hear the hi hats, the crash is nearly inaudible, and during the end I didn't even realize there was double bass drums pounding until you faded the instruments out). it might be pretty cool if you introduce a different lead, which I would think would add some diversity and room for cool harmonization in the end.
Kickass composition here though, could definetly be used in a battle flash of sort.