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Very nice man

this one was pretty good man, its more stable than your last fractal. I just think they're could have been better sequencing in some parts. Like the woodwind/brass melody cut off at 0:48 without really resolving. That one long extended that starts around 1:30 it stretched out wayyy to long lol, and needs to change the melody more (or atleast fade out the volume) , as it gets kinda annoying ;) more consistent drums in here would be good to keep in here to establish a good groove to roll with, as there isnt one really as it is. I was really waiting for an epic buildup to happen in the total 5 minutes, but it just really happened, and there wasnt really any chorus section in the song. Maybe try fusing all the instruments playing for a steady 1-2 minutes at one point.

enough with the critiques ;) there of course are some good points in this track. unique melodies and drum rhythms, and a wise selection of instruments (I'm liking the pan flute in combination with the mallet percussion) that were panned quite well. The brass gives this track a diverse touch. It gives off quite a cool feel, like I'm in a Mayan Jungle of some sorts. I would take a few of the main riffs and try to use them more consistenly in the track, and try building on them throughout and keep the drums playing more constantly.

So some cool sounding bits in here that I think would make for quite an interesting piece, just needs better stucturing IMO-but what you got right now is pretty damn original! keep up the good work bro.

gleegleep responds:

Thank you very much for your thoughts. I am still working on how to structure fractal music properly, and I know I'll improve on that. And the Mayan jungle feel is what I was going for; in fact, I was inspired by the movie "Apocalypto". And I'm glad you like the types of instruments and drums I chose.


haha this brings back the days from playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City!

cool track man. What I think made this track the most was the vintage drums, I like the reverbed snare and the low tom rolls . looks like you got a cowbell in here too hehe. Bassline is cool and fits the synthpop style. The bells melodies are cool and that synth string pad has a really nice cheesy feel to portray old times. It does seem like there's some element missing in here, although I can't really grasp what it is, maybe it needs a bold synth or pad or something that makes a fuller, stereo sound.

cool stuff again navij. that's a pretty creative idea to use outdated VST's to create an 80s sound.

Nav responds:

Thanks man! Its actually not a novel idea at all! There are a lot of people doing it! Look up the genre "Synthtron" or "Electroclash". The big name artist is "Ladytron." That's all the revival of synthpop, and a lot of it is awesome!

Thanks for reviewing! :)

A mix of styles

Very cool piece, it has lots of classical influences but a popish feel at the same time.

Lovely beautiful chord progression on the piano, melodies are well sequenced and have a nice sound. Drum beats are pretty decent. It would be nice to hear some more realistic samples then the default FPC drums, but it doesnt take much away from the track.

I think you could use different patterns in this track to make a more interesting progression and to break the repetiveness. Like the drum loop in the beginning is well suitable for a buildup, but you could've have included a snare hit on the 3rd beat every few bars or so and gradually create a more complex rhythm. The patterns during the faster parst sound really nice man, although I would like to see some more hi-hat work (with open hats), and make sure to include dynamics next time around as well.

again, piano sounds damn nice, I like the solo work very much, and it flows very gracely. The lower chord sequence could use some more variation, both melody wise and rhythmically (try placing shorter chords and lighter chords between the main chords you have right now).

I also think this could use another instrument or two, some soft, slow strings would add a nice backing (I know you said you failed at this, but maybe just one note progressions to mimic the lower chord tones should work smoothly, it doesnt have to be complex) , and maybe the piano soloing could be switched with a flute or some other wind now and then.

anyways, this a great base to make a more complete track from, keep up the good work! I hope my suggestions help!

GronmonSE responds:

Thanks for the thorough review ^ ^

Aha, FPC indeed. I never bothered downloading sound packs, I don't know why. It's probably because I'm lazy :P But yes, I should probably get some drum packs.

I had considered adding a snare on the 3rd beat every few bars, but I ditched the idea. A bad decision indeed, it could have added more variation as you mentioned. Open hi-hats, I don't think I've ever used them before, except on a couple of techno songs. Another good detail that I always forget to add ^ ^

Dynamics, the eternal problem. Despite the slight mastering job in my tracks, they are never polished enough, and dynamics are something I've never bothered working on for the simple fact that, regardless of how easy they may seem, I have a hard time adding them. It's definitely one of my weak spots.

Thanks for the compliments regarding the piano work, it's the only thing I'm decent at ^ ^; I'll try adding more variation to the chords as well, I have a bad habit of using common chord progressions :P

About the strings, I tried mimicking the lower chord tones (it's the simplest thing to do of course), but my string packs aren't very good, hence why I ditched them. Same goes for my wind instruments, tis truly a shame.

Again, thanks for the thorough review, it's really appreciated.

Good job, front page again :)

congrats on getting there once again wyldfyre!

personally, from hearing some of your newer tracks, I can't say I like this one as much. It's too repetive, basic, and "presetish" for my tastes :)

The intro was kinda weak, over time the bassline could have evolved into something more complex. Decent bell melodies over the top, the bells work alright and the strings are probably my favorite part. The keys do have a real good sound tho and the harmonization is quite smooth. Diggin the large phased synth.

I was mainly waiting for something big to happen in this track-but it just never really happened. At one point you could have made the bassline and plucked synth have a more complex rhythm and then pick up a more active (like with a constant hi-hat hit in eighth notes) , interesting beat to make everything flow well and not sound overly simplistic at the same time.

another flaw (which I really don't need to point out since you've got some cool new sounds as presented in your latest tracks) was the overall sound quality. The overall mix seems to quiet (trying adding louder notes as the track buildups) , and of course, just needs some varyin reverb levels to make a deeper sound. and lose those drum samples :)

so a satisfactory work here man, just not my favorite from you ;)

wyldfyre1 responds:

yeah, i totally understand what you mean. Problem was at the time i had no new sounds hah. Now i do thank goodness.. However this is still a work in progress and i'm sure i'm gonna work on it.. I agree with the leadup sound that goes no where.. I've been working on getting some better sounds out of this.. Truthfully i kinda liked how 1.0 sounded better so i may be going back to some of the older stuff on this and add more =). I've always ment to add better drum samples on this. Look for updated versions of this coming in the future and hopefully i'll get the sound that i'm happy with. I nearly didn't use phased synth.

again thanks for the great review =-)


This was very cool, in some ways...

First off, I love the way you drum on your guitar base :D

Excellent quality, flawless recording. really damn crispy and no volume spikes or any noticeable noise.

As far as the composition goes, it was a bit too random for me. You enthralled me with your catchy rhythmic schemes, but your melodical chord structure (atleast in the first portion of the song) leaped around too much for me. Like it was in key and all, but I couldn't get enough feeling as each chord connected because you were going too fast, and there was no distinctive melodies. I like when you hit the harmonics, and the little bit you had going around 0:35, that's a really catchy riff. but when you got to the 200 MPH pace there wasn't a stable base and I couldnt really fully enjoy it. That's just my tastes tho, I respect your skill :) maybe try using just single notes or a two-note chord legato riff to move through more steadly, I don't know. I like the chord progression at 1:26. The section at 2:09 probably definetly could been thrown out, it comes in too suddenly and really doesn't have any place there, IMO. I assume you completely improvised this-maybe have a general skeleton of what you want to play beforehand, if you didnt have one in mind already in this case?

I thought the fingerpicked interlude was a tad weak. But I do like the riff around 3:05, thats the stuff that I personally appreciate more :). Nice chord progression in the end.

Lots of variations and very cool licks in here, overall pretty damn tight. Congratulations on reaching top 5! (sorry if I was being too harsh)

CyriltheWolf responds:

Dude, that was the best review I have ever had. You are the bomb.
Yes, it was completely improvised. I barely had a skeleton. I only knew how I wanted to start it and I improvised, then got to an ending I was satisfied with.
This is actually a take two, the first take began similarly but also had vocals... which sucked. So I tried again. It also came from some emotional distress. I felt better afterward.

Very very nice review man, and no you were not being too harsh at all.

Emu Proteus?

Is that the soundfont you use in the intro?

Sick intro man, I love when people add an ethnic touch to their work. Loving the tamburas/dulcets that you use in the intro, and they work real nice as a pad. The drums are crisply recorded, and have a nice "in your face" feel. Lots of cool noise and ambience that works quite well with the track. The compressed sound is real powerful in the the 2nd section, some of the retriggered glitch snippets were a little too much for me tho, haha. sounds like you worked an incredible lot to tweak them so much. I guess what this needs IMO is a little bit more melodical content to go along with the track, and maybe some variation in the drum patterns. Maybe a tabla in here too since this piece has some Indian/middle Eastern influences huh?

Kickass track snayk, this is a real original sound here on NG!

snayk responds:

Never heard of 'emu proteus.' Thanks for the great review!

I see what you're saying about maybe adding some melodic content to the song (though I could only see that happening to the first half, because I love the second half as is), as well as maybe some drum variations and other instruments.

When I was writing the song, I didn't really know where I was going (which becomes evident with the 'big switch' at 1:43). I suppose if I'd had a fuller idea about the track before I began working on it, it would be quite different.

Thanks again!

Smooothh hazzzzz

Once again, No1R, I'm absolutely stunned by your work. This composition is flawlessly crafted from the jazzy drum beats to the smooth, sexy guitar licks.

I really like how you open up with the airy pad drifting in the background with ride/crash rolling on and the beatiful guitar licks. I mean the guitar is absolutely perfect and flows so well-did you improvise all of this? The intro bit sounds very sexy and romantic, and the bit around 00:33 has the naughty/teasing romantic type of feel-excellent job including those nice tension chords and the rather abstract soloing following it. I like how you end into the end with chromatic bluesy riff-I would have stopped the track right there, or make a different conclusion, as it is too similar to the intro IMO. Otherwise, this track is flawlessly sequenced!

I indeed agree with the reviewer below me, this definetly does have a romantic feel-but like you described, does go along with a bright city of lights theme during the night. What would contribute to this track even more is a sax, clarinet, or another brass or woodwind instrument! Again, drums are real nice and suitable, but maybe to break the repetiveness you could add some tom fills every now and then.

Everything sounds real authentic, with the drums and bass. Your guitar tone (just like in Carribean Sunflower) has the excellent sound for jazz music, as its nice and round and not drowned in with effects.

Amazing work No1r, good luck in your professional career, I hope to hear more from you man!

No1r responds:

I really have to thank you for this long review.
I'm happy you liked my work, and really appreciate your feedback.
Good luck you too and i hope i can make more of this soon.

The Pieces do fit!

wow this is great man, looks like you nailed the bassline, drums, and guitar dead on! 10/10 job if I was just grading this for the sole factor of covering! (you get my 5 anyway). Melodically this song may not be very hard to play, but the rhythms and different time signatures makes this harder than it sounds, so kudos on that. Near perfect matering too.

Drums sound nice and clean, are those live real drums or just programmed drums that were mastered well? Guitar tones are almost emulate the exact ones in the original track, bass is real solid too, but it could use a bit more boom to fill a void. Guitar could use a bit of decay in the chorus sections to give it that touch of ambience that the Schism songs sparks, as I personally think its an essence in what made the track. Right at 0:04 it would be nice if you had a volume swell of some guitar feedback too lead into the main guitar riffs. Also, you need to lay down the mellow guitar chords in the intro-but ah whatever I'm being too critical, I'm sure you know that. This a great start for a WIP! Keep up the good work man!

Zyclon responds:

Thanks a lot man. You pretty much nailed everything I thought about it in this review. I'm gonna finish the rest of it soon as well as rerecord the guitars. The drums are done using ezdrummer which is the best drum VST I've used. All the detail it use to take hours to do only take minutes. Check it out if you are into drum programming.

real trippy

I agree with WritersBlock, I'm liking the upbeat style of this tune, definetly lots of energy this track gives off. Jumpy drums sound real nice, I like the violin and piano in combination with the synths, nice stuff. Melodies are real happy and catchy and flow quite swell with the bassline. Progresses real nice, section at 2:10 was a good addition, gives room for tension to build up once you hit back with the chorus. I just think the last chorus could place more emphasis on new riff if you were aiming for that to be the focal point of the track. Conclusion was wrapped up quite well.

Mixing job is near excellent in my opinion, I just think the piano sounded a bit cheap, just need some thickness and a more defined sound. I'm not too fond of the poppy techno sound here, but very cool track regardless!

Waterflame responds:

a intelegent and nice review :D thank you for the constructive criticicm! i actually agree with your points . infact all of them :P and im glad you took the time to give a serious review altho youre not really into this style. thats the worst mistake pepole usually do, judge the songs after personal taste. again thanks! :D

Cherish the moment. For in a moment, it will be gone.

Cyrus Jackson @Suspended-3rd-Chord

Age 36, Male



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