I thought you said?
i thought you said you wished you had 1/10 the composition skill i did O_o? cuz this piano stuff is very damn great!
I like the opening notes and the long ring out on each note, making the piano sounds very genuine, its muffled sound makes it sound dark. sounds that are built around the piece are good, and I really like the creepy, echoing synth with nice ping pong delay FX. strings give this a nice touch as well, but they sound too quiet, also wouldnt hurt to have them play chords to make them have a more powerful effect (of course fill up the lower voices more, since there's not much going on in that spectrum, or it could be my headphones). I can hear the sub at the end, if I didn't know the length of this track, i would have expected to hear some blast beats while keeping the same melodical style. its all good tho- just a suggestion you might do (if you havent thought of it already) if you decided to make this track longer. one thing that doesnt fit well with me (you would only notice if you're trying to) is the chord you end on is a cliffhanger, you should probably stop on a more resolving chord, but really its a matter of taste.
as always, gotta love those constantly changing drums, some very nice work in this department. well, not so much in this one compared to your other tracks, but you wouldnt want to overdo the job for a calm piece like this. i like how you start with the underwater EQ, the sections where you slow down (extended triplets?) the pace are nice to. it also sounds as if you might have a subtle drumset playing in the background during some parts, and you throw in some extra lower snare sounds sporadically for good measures, which is quite cool. beat is pretty good in the end too, i like how you increase the industrial drum usage.
great work dude!