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well its hard to fairly grade remixes...

when you havent heard the original piece.

the track though is nice, some great suspenful melodies and an interesting transition throughout the track. love the drums, sounds like someone is getting chased down the hall...lots of clangers in here, but it sounds pretty good for a piece like this. pretty crazy stuff here dude. love the fast riffs near the end of the track!

love the choice of synths used in here, very nice pipe organ that adds some interestings creepiness. interesting brass and nice use of the choir sounding organ, too.

so, it was a pretty sick track, I would 10 if it was your work...by that I mean original composition that is. in remixes, hopefully you change up some of the melodies and/or rhythms and add your own stuff into it..just switching the instruments around doesnt qualify as an entire remix IMO.

Cosmos8942 responds:

I get you...and yes I do not always do full remixes. Some of the time when I am at a loss I will simply throw in one or two additional tracks in the audio, switch up some instruments and all in all play around till I get something that sounds good. Hmm...original is something that I have a very very hard time with...but with practice do things come easier in time...we will see...*wander's off thinking*


haha, you've got to be kidding me

hahaha what? this has got to be the coolest remix I've seen in my life. you took the most lullably-esque childish sounding melodies(which I must say is my second favorite sonic track) in the world and make a good sounding metal remix of it! unreal!

the verse section of the song I didnt care for too much, but it definetly sounded cool. the first section in the start of the song sounded like a new age punk type of dealy with those blast beats and fast paced power chords. the second phrase was sick as hell! love the tremolo picked riff, very nice lead guitar harmonization. once again, great job on nailing the riffs, and great wrapping up of the songs with the pickslides. Love the drum programmin in here, it kinda had a heavy metalish style with some punkish roots to. love the snare fills!

you're an oustanding guitar player, sounds like you've perfected the tremelo picking technique, and you are great at harmonizing, even tho in this song there was a couple of pieces where the harmonizing was slightly off. during the chorus, some of the notes get kinda jumbled in the mix(specifically, some of the cymbals during the fast parts of the songs)

also, some kickass guitar sounds in here too once again, they arent cheap at all and well suited for metal. you're lead guitar tones tho, still sound just a small tad too low. youve got some good drum samples utilized in here too, but they could use some tweaking...I can hardly hear your bass kicks, either that or they arent sculpted enough..just in the first half of the mix tho with the blast beats and double bass riff. the right (china?) crash cymbal could be a bit louder.

one thing that I missed were some squealing pinch harmonics, and a nice metal solo! also, I think if you did a downtempo riff of the song, added some dissonant touches ot the mix, it would have sounded TRULY kickass and \m/. regardless, you still captured the feeling of the song, and did an excellent job of it.

thanks to you and other metal artists at NG I am starting to appreciate metal again!

damn dude!

metal remix of a sonic song? ah hellz ya dude!

you nailed all the riffs on and everything, and even added your own little interesting touches in there. thinking back on the actual tracks, the melodies and original composition is perfect for a metal track. I really love the ending, really cool major sounding progression that adds some nice flavor from the intro in the song.

the lead vibrato riffs, whammy, are killer. Love the pinch harmonics sounds! your lead guitar tones is kickass. nice sharp distortion on the rhythm guitar, it is plain sick. drums are really killer too, like the double bass parts. very nice solo as well, sounds very metallicaish. could have been longer.

I cant give any complaints on you nailing the composition, because you played it perfectly. you even added your nice little touches, which is necessary for a true remix. the only complaint is that your lead guitar volume levels are too low, especially during the solo. you scuplt this track a bit better, but everything sounds nice and clear.

great job dude, I loved it. keep up the A grade work!

sounds like it was made in FL

you will hear this term quite a bit if you use the synths in FL without tweaking them a bit :P
it doesnt sound too bad, but you can tweak this up a bit. the drum samples need some better EQing, or just throw them out all together. also try to experiment with more FX. the bass sounds too generic, and the higher end synth that sounds like its going through a tremelo filter is too trebly and hurts my ears, i had to turn down my speakers. also, put your music through a light compressor as well when your finished.

this loops reminds me of any empty baseball field at night...the FL slayer loops sounds alright, it has a dreamy melody. dont know if I like the drum beat that much. the later half of the higher pitched synth melody, sounds pretty cool. the bassline is pretty cool. weird loop O_o...also the two melodies kinda clash together, but whatever.

so, focus more on mastering and mixing the track. your composing is pretty good.

also, why dont you upload some stuff with real instruments as well? please dont quit FL or other eletronic music by any means, its a great skill to have and skills will come in time. but some music with actual instruments would be nice a nice listen as well.

keep up the good work!

why doesnt this half more downloads!?

this is a kickass track dude!

when I first heard your voice, it reminded me of Layne Staley from Alice In Chains. it even has a nice grungy acoustic touch to it. very nice vocals in here, and I can understand the vocals.

well panned and mastered acoustic tones. very crisp and clear. love the fingerpicked melodies that glide across the strings. love the little lead riffs that fits so nicely with the rest of the track. Love the pieces put together in the track, has a very nice major-minor track. I hear some nice vocal oohs in the background too, pretty sweet.

the drums are cool as well, nice beats and patterns. also the beatboxing was pretty cool and original as well, cant say you hear a lot of people in acoustic folk music do this type of stuff.

I dont know about the ending tho, it doesnt exactly take away from the track, but it is just kinda pointless to me. I wouldnt have bothered including it in there IMO.

the clarity is already excellent as it is, but there could be a few things you can do to make it top notch, which is up to you, I wouldnt care myself. include some more bass melodies in here. you've got a cool "bassline" as it is(what I mean is the chord tones that are played on the the lower strings of your guitar) but it can be more audible if you add an actual bass in there. the vocals seem a little bit low relative to the track, and can be brought out more. you're beatboxing is fine as it is, but you could probably sharpen up your techniques a bit. just a bit ;). i dont know how you would be able to make them more distinguishable between the actual drums tho..hey i'm the critiquer not the creator >_>

anyway, real kickass stuff in here, I'm impressed. upload some more cool stuff alright!

wobinidan responds:

Wow, thanks a lot for this review, you offer some really sound advice that I am going to take on board. Actually I feel like giving a review to your review! 10/10!

striking !

this definetly does fit a war type of theme movie or game. the beginning part actually reminded me a lot of God of War, which is a very good thing.

nice mix of the choirs used in this track. what do you for the one in the center? it sounds nice and like an actual choir. the lower pitched male choir is kinda muffled, but the rest our nice. the higher end, spacey sounding choir pad is pretty kickass too, it develops a nice eerieness to the track. the orchestra strings bit fits the loop nice as well, adding some seriousness to the mix. good use of panning as well, you might wanna EQ them a bit more tho. some orchestral percussion would sound great in here.

this track doesnt loop well, it ends too abruptly, and there is a second of silence. you could have stretched out the final note longer.

otherwise, great job on this loop!

meneldil responds:

I have no knowledge on equing, that's my problem:( But I'm gonna start learning all that stuff when I have time, as there are some tutorials in the internet.

Thanks for the feedback, very appreciated!

Check PM.

at first, i didnt think it would suit CC

but after listening to the entire mix I could see how it would fit into the game. probably too happy to be battleesque, but it be used in high speed mini game where you ride an eagle or something.

the main melody on the synth, is nice, but well-kinda childish sounding. sounds familiar from a kids show or something. I love the drums dude, fast paced toms, nice little triangle chimes, and a smaller tom sounding piece panned to the left? the piano melody is short but sweet, but fits the song well. I also love the tribal sounding vocals you used in here.

you definetly got the right pieces to make a nice loopable track...dont know why you faded out the ending :P

good luck with contest, great job on this track!

Cool Beans

really nice short bits fused to make a really nice sound. i think it sounds both sad and melancholic, and sorrowful, and depressing as you described. hell there is even some melodies in here which inspire feelings of hope. reminds me of a funeral in the rain.

Love the opening atmospheric pad you placed in here. the piano had a nice tone, good reverb, and it still felt like it was right in front of me. Love how the lead melodies carry the track. the 2nd one after the piano bit was really emotional, and you used the perfect effects to encase the sound in the right package. the bass is pretty nice and powerful, it greats a good low ambient feel. some of the lower frequencies kinda irritated my ears a bit and took away from the other instruments, but nothing to big. also, when you had the quieter conclusion, i hear some noticeable white noise, I wasnt sure if you were trying to use this as light rain or not?

pretty sweet flow too man. I was expecting a bigger buildup when you put in the panned hi-hat riffs, but it went back to the original themes used in the first part of the track. I also wouldnt mind some soft, simple ethnic percussion in here too...but the lack of drums and percussion in here kinda makes the track you know? the suggestions i just made definetly arent necessary

love it man, great work.


I'm not gonna lie, this is mostly horrible :/

its very sloppy, and sounds like you're playing random notes as fast as you can. half of the track was messups. I slightly cringed when you did the intro bit. you were playing fast, but not very clean, I couldnt distinguish the notes you were hitting, it was just a random mumbo jumbo at a fast pace..this is all improvised right? unless your're a God of improvising, I strongly suggest you have a general skeleton of what you what to play in mind before recording. this also had some nice short melodies that could have connected for a very interesting riff, but they were ruined by sloppy shredding, and licks that really lead up to nowhere. the tapping bit was decent, but still, needs some work and more consistency. the slower bit hat a nice melody, it started off in a harmonic minorish sound, then drifted to a nice spacey lydian type of sound. I liked the last bit you had going on here even though it was still kinda random, but not as bad as the first half.

your guitar tone is not bad, perhaps to much gain to make the tone sound overly distorted and pickup too much, or maybe its just too much decayed reverb? wouldnt worry about it too much right now!

sorry for being harsh man, but someone needs to give you some criticism. I dont mean to come in here and lay down a "YOU FUCKING SUCK!", because you definetly dont...if you can play that fast, then you obviously have a good deal of talent and skill...unfortunately here, this is an example of wasted talent IMO. I recommend you practice some music theory to compose a more appealing sound and improve your ear a little. improvise too, but not just random notes, pickout a key, and play notes within that key at first. 99% of the time you need to know the rules to break them. try to step down the speed a little bit(its better to be slow and accurate then fast and sloppy), and slowly work you way up with a metronome until you can play your chops even faster and with little to no messups. once again man, nice speed, but your skills and theory knowledge need to be refined. keep on practicing guitar man and you'll sound great in the future.

{and now I look like an idiot :/ didnt realize this track is a year old, I clicked on it off your profile. so if you fixed up your playing, then ignore this :)...but heres your review, no point in deleting a long review that I already wrote)

darkkloud responds:

well, you were right in a few portions about why the notes were unclere, alot of it has to do with the reverb that i used, i hate reverb and dont normaly use it, but in something like this, you need some reverb to make it actually sound good, unfortunatly i used to much, also, the distortion was way to much as you said. i appreciate the honest review mate.

some nice metal riffs in here

thats a nice good collection of demo riffs youve got in here dude. where you planning on using all the riffs in one song? I could see them put together to create a nice diverse song, but they also could be good individual base riffs for different tracks.

the first riff is a pretty kickass melodical bit, kinda sounds like a dreamtheater intro. Love the drums in here, like the good hi hat rolls in here, sounds pretty sick.

the second one is pretty \m/ and evil sounding. it would get kinda boring, but the second part of the riff sets up a nice intro for a solo. nice double bass work in this one.

the third one is pretty nice one..really good job on the guitar once again, and is packed with another good metal guitar bit. the open hi hat adds some nice intensity

the acoustic section carries a nice rhythm. the lead is nice and soft...its pretty nice that you didnt go "all out metal" throughout your album, so props for including hits. the lead guitar flows over the top nicely. do you have a nice section with a reverb soaked guitar in there too? seems like I tell a lot of people that, maybe I have a reverb fetish haha :P

the fourth riff is probably my favorite. love the metallish sound with the little dissonant fills on the guitar. the solo guitar plays a really nice chromatic sounding riff too.

the fifth riff is probably the most diverse one you've got featured here. sounds kinda medieval, it reminds me of batman. the first half sounds megadethish, and then when you conclude it sounds a tad like metallica.

so definetly a nice album that I would probably look into. some nice interesting riffs in here. great performance as well, some of these licks sound like they would require a great deal of dexterity.

clarity wise, the track is clear for the most part. nice dark, distorted tones suited for metal. drums are good too. your acoustic guitar tones are pretty sweet as well, they could have been a bit crisper, but whatever. use different levels EQs to make the lead and rhythm sound more distinct too. I also would mind a wider variety of tones used throughout your track, too make your album more distinct and interesting. the solo guitar tones are not too bad either, I say they need more punch, more of a screaming, sharp tone I guess. all in all tho, nothing major to incorporate.

the track is nice and original as well...it wasnt too typical of "chug chug chug" sound like a lawnmower, no emotion repetive power chord riffs. you've definetly got some nice melodies and well constructed riffs in here. its not stuff that blows me away by its uniqueness, but youve definetly got a distinguishable style that would appeal to a metal audience IMO. keep up the good work and good luck with your album!

FlameMesial responds:

First of all, this was a fucking great read - thank you for taking the time to write this :D

The first section I did try to go for a Dream Theater style thing, but also a sorta greyish, moody English riff, if you know what I mean :P

With the second section I did think of making it a bit more in-depth, but hard powerchords are fun in small doses, so I went for it!

The third section, the one with the soloriff, was probably the hardest fucking part of the song to play, but I'm glad I nailed it.

I actually wrote all of the acoustic section before any other part of the song, and I found that all of the notes in this recording aren't too clear, but it's good enough for metal :P

After the acoustic part, it's the part of the story where the dude decides to turn back to his drug life, so I had to make some weird fucked up riffs to musically represent some horrific hallucinations. So that's the fourth one, and the final one was just a cool-sounding riff that I picked up from using a John Petrucci exercise technique, so I went and threw it in.

I'm glad you're interested in the album, and thank you for the definite compliment of an original sound. For the next upcoming songs I have a different (and better) tone, and also more professional sounding drums, so the whole thing will be very cutting-edge :D

I need to get a paypal account up soon, so I can settle album sales over the internet.

Thanks again for this review, it kicked ass.

Cherish the moment. For in a moment, it will be gone.

Cyrus Jackson @Suspended-3rd-Chord

Age 36, Male



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