England 1920
It certainly started off somewhat slow, but until the middle I could really appreciate this track for it was.
I personally think there is some flaws in this track...the improv in the intro seems a bit sloppy. But once the high pitched notes hit every sounds very nice. Varying dynamics and levels of wide reverb sound awesome in here. Great creativity, as the amount of reverb decays as the song progresses. I really love the meat of the song, sounds like one huge delay effect bouncing off two giant, dark walls, in the middle of a once barren desert, under an evil, dark night sky. and you can still pick up some very attractive high pitched melodies. It almost sounds like a pad. (it almost sounds like there's also a clarinet and flute at some points)..
Now the latter half of the track....I too appreciate listening to the beauty of rain. If it ever rained where I live I would sleep like a baby every night. so I listened to it three times now, and noticed the variations(or atleast the ones my mind invoked). I still would say it could use some more stuff over the top to make it interesting add diversity, such as light thunder crackles, maybe an animal sound, some feedback or a atmospheric synth, something exactly like what you have at the end of the track. More ambience wouldn't hurt IMO.
as always, pleasure listening to your music.