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380 Audio Reviews

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how do you do it?

this is the best track i've ever heard with FPC drums + slayer man, great job! slayer is programmed really well, doesnt clip or have any of those annoying screeching pitches. The power chords on the rhythm sound excellent and crunchy, are you using slayer for that too!?

I'm really digging the vibe I get from this track, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I could see it on a Disney or Nickolodeon show (i truly mean that as a compliment) like a theme song for maybe Drake & Josh or whatever its called haha. the rhythm riffs are nice, catchy, and poppy, and the sliding work on the lead guitar works wonders. The main theme is very remorable. The solo in the interlude was just a tad cliche and predictable(try bending the pitch up a bit more and use a bit more variation) but it fits the style. might not be a bad idea to let a chord every now and then on the rhythm switch from a palm muting style and maybe let a chord ring out seldomly. again, great bending work. may i add the drums fit the groove well, with the layered high hats and effectively placed tom rolls. wish you could get more realistic samples, but meh. Strings also are a nice addition in the background.

not exactly my type of tune, but very well produced track. great job with this one, it's deserving of a hit!

good stuff matey

I'm liking the themes in here, the melodies float around and change freely with lots of action- just like dreams. sounds a bit majestic too. Some of the harmonization makes me a bit sleepy actually haha. The beginning caught my ears, sounds a bit like an old school RPG game. The intro was nice with the extended string an oboe notes, with the mallet percussion glistening in the background. The riffs are pretty crazy and progress rapidly. I like how the different melodical percussion riffs kinda fuse together. Some of the unlayered sections sound really nice. my favorite section would have to be at 1:55 with the pizzicato strings and harp, reminds me of a flowing stream of water with a bright moon glowing ahead, the arps move real nicely. unfortunately that part was only like 5 seconds :(

I think an underlying flaw here would be that some parts are a bit undeveloped and the composition is well, random. With using an original method of composing by using a fractal tune, you come up with some pretty damn original themes in your tracks, but there could be more work revolving around transitions and making each section flow more smoothly. For example, like at 00:28 i thought you were building up for something more epic, but it just kinda cuts off and drops down. The extended note at 1:08 is begging to resolve to a note higher thats its on, so maybe chop the note and half and put the second note one pitch higher. I thought the ending was done pretty okay tho, you should have kept the strings going and just made a nice, soft ending with more stability. So some manual editing by changing the notes in a piano roll or stave wouldnt be a bad idea :) Also, if you took a theme or two from the fractal program and then just developed it with another sequencer that might be a cool experiment too. Minimalism is never a bad idea, if you want your stuff to sound a tad less cluttered and have more direction.. But hey, it still fits the dream theme!

well, its still a very creative piece and theres a lot of work put into this, tons of different instruments :), i just think if it had more direction and more carried-out themes it would make for a more well-rounded track, but maybe thats just me. Keep it up, your style is quite unique!

gleegleep responds:

Thanks for your thoughts; I really appreciate it. About the building things up and making things flow more smoothly etc, I now have some audio-editing software that can help me do that (e.g. adding effects and adding other fractal music tracks). I'll see what I can do. Again, thanks a lot! :D :D

joyful experimentation!

wow this is really nice to listen too. I absolultely love those pads, a great string texture and the chord progression starts really well in its place. The beat is nice and mimilistic. Interesting choice of samples; I like how you distorted the bass kick, and used a variety of snare samples. the next drum loop is alright, tho it would be nice if you chopped it up some. That "lame" sytrus sound was unexpected haha, it fits alright but you might want to use it more sparingly since its one of those "crazy" sounds. Distorto sounds nice, tho the melody could use more to it, as there's really no distinct melody that you really layed over the pads. So a little problem in here would be repetition, it wouldnt hurt if you tried using another chord or too in the background, and definetly build up a melody in here. I heard some subbass in the first two phases of the track, you should of used more of it to make the track overall more full. not much more I can say, but a cool piece nonetheless!




I remember first seeing this on your myspace page and thinking to myself "damn I would so use this as my song" if I had a myspace profile. This track is very unique and has a boatload of intracies and snippets and is very professionally put together and mixed, it sounds like it would take forever to make.

The synths are some of the best I've heard. I love the horns in the start, and they have a great melody too, and the little reversed and skewed bits around the side compliment the intro perfectly, and have full control- they don't sound like you just stuck and plugged a bunch of random sounds of your ass at all. I sure as hell wouldn't be able to utilize and blend something as complex as this. So its really amazing. I love the beat, works and flows really well, sounds a bit hip hopish, just real nice. The kick is a charm too, I like how its a sampled phat bass kick with a bitcrushed one on the top, no? subbass moves very nicely, and the main melodical theme is ace. Lots of chippity chop chippets, I don't really have the words to describe how awesome everything sounds in here without sounding like an amateur fool. The interlude was just absolutely sick, those intense bending bits, sound like a rocket taking off right into the crazy interlude.I love the chopped and pitched vocal bits, and those things that sound like a hyrbrid between a whale and seagull call haha. Then there's a nice relaxation section with the strings to compliment the later half, its just electronica working to its fullest.

So I've listened to this track atleast 200 times now, I still absolutely love it and just thought I'd let you know. This is one of the best tracks I've heard on NG. Keep up the good work, I'm sure you will :D Absolutely no criticism from me at all, this deserves nothing less than a 10/10.

Kingbastard responds:

hi man, thanks so much for this review. I only just read it and am glad you like the tune:) This is possibly my favourite electronic trk of mine, was definatley the most fun to make.

Thanks again, keep on listening:)

Quite enjoyable

thought I would leave a little review on this too because I've listened to it a few times and found it quite nice man, its fun and has a good groove. Love the chord progressions and the catchy strumming patterns. You know it actually reminds me a bit of the band Smashing Pumpkins. Vocals flow nicely too, I know you said theyre just filler, but they wouldnt take away from the track at all, so IMO it wouldnt hurt to bring them out more. I guess the same suggestions regarding my advice for "syncopation cover" could be applied on this one too, make some parts a bit louder, and EQ more bass in here as it seems like there is a cutoff in the low section making the overall mix feel a bit empty (can barely hear the bass kick). The lead guitar definetly needs a more definable texture to make it stand out from the backing guitar, try experimenting with different FX and panning it a bit more to the left or right. At the same time, the reverb setting and EQ kinda makes it sound like I'm sitting in a car outside from an arena so its cool from a certain perspective. I would also like to add that after I got done reviewing your other track I realized that my volume was only at 80%, so my apologies about that.

Now on to the composition. The chords are placed really nicely like I said above, and the track as a whole is sequenced quite good. I like how the transitions just lull for about three seconds and smoothly come back in and move actively. The drums are very nice, lots of diversity and variety throughout with lots of tom and cymbal usage. They sound pretty authentic too, did you make these yourself or did you sample them/download a loop? The first solo was decent, but a bit sloppy rhytmically. The malle perc (or is it a /harp?) instrument does sound pretty cheap too, it needs some chorus/multilayering. I like how the harp/mallet thingy molds into the guitar solo, but I think there could be more emotion in the solo, kind like your solo in your syncopation cover track, were you used more bending and slides. Also, if you picked up the pace a bit and included some faster licks it would put more into the solo, but that might not fit the themes of the track.

All in all a great track! The composition is fine its just needs more polishing thats all. Might just be the hardware that you have to upgrade a little. Well keep it up as always :)

Nice groove

Well this seems like it has more work put into it then your"beyond the sun" and other related new wave/ambient tracks because the different riffs have more rhytmical flow and are not just the same whole notes over and over. anyway, this has a cool sound and a good selection of synths with cool effects. Nice of you to put drums in here, although they might just be premade drumloops but I won't assume :). very cheery vibe in here, sounds like a spongebob dance song. Yes, spongebob is what this track reminds me of. And that's always a good thing.

I like the arpsynth thing you start with that has an interesting filter effect or something on it. The pad in the background's voices move nicely but again it wouldnt hurt to change up the rhythms even more than you did in the background. Chop up a note into two, split it into two dotted fourths and one fourth, use rests, etc. it will help break the repetiveness in here-even tho genres like this need some type of repetition, it needs more elaboration for being 5+ minutes. I especially like that echoing synth that hits at 3:30ish, in comes in and out in a nice fashion. One more synth melody would be great in here too, you need like a lead saw type of dealy in the high spectrum. That pad as 4:14ish was cool to and had a nice texture. It would be nice if you put more work into the end, and put in some new reverbed samples to go along with that ambient texture. The harmony seems a bit awkward in the finish too. you started off real nice with bringing the synths in, with a bass and snare and beat, and gradually adding more to the track. But once everything started rolling, it just sounded like you were making your own riffs and just pluggin them into an adlib generator. So, I would work a bit more on transitioning.

well, i'm itching to give this an 8 but honestly I dont find this track to be too amazing. However, i still found it enjoyable and its more imaginative then a lot of those generic FL techno and trance tracks if you know what I mean...:P keep up the good work fatty!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

LOL, you hate me so you give teh 7. :( As always... Well anyway thanks for your review! :

not bad

Well, this is a pretty good track to solo over. The soloing was decent but nothing extraordinary, and in some parts it sounds like you're holding a bit back, but has some interesting bits for sure.

The main problem, as the reviewers below me addressed is the mixing. From the quiet parts in here, it sounds like you've got a voice that would be enjoyable to lsiten to and you shouldnt be shy to bring them out, if thats the case. The overall mixes seems like it has a decreased quality whether its just if the volume is lowered and/or the EQ might be butchered to comprise for the lead guitar? Because IMO, the lead tone doesn't mix in all that well. I would keep the same track volume, and trying raising the overall master volume on your PC, and possibly on your output pedal/amp/guitar. Your tone is pretty crisp, but a bit weak, so a thicker chorus, reverb, EQ (more bass), and maybe the neck pickup would sculpt out a better tone, I dunno-its been a year since I recorded myself. Another cool thing to experiment with would be panning different guitar riffs more to the left and the right, like they're battling. Some more lower riffs wouldnt hurt either, for instance, maybe some distorted tremoloed tripplets or palm muting licks for fills in between and around the original power chords would be nice.

enough with the damn suggestions from me because I'm not sure if thats the type of feedback you're looking for. I thought the little lick you opened with was weak, but when the track gets rolling your improvising over the top sounds nice, and planned out well as nothing sounds too random or out of place. I like the chords you use in the first solo. The solo that starts at 1:20ish was a bit uneffective IMO, it would sound great if you had a distorted wah (here I am assuming you have access to all these effects, sorry if im leaving some useless suggestions and you dont have all this equipment) our spiced up the notes with some pinch harmonics. I especially like the note at 1:37. Then ending on the laidback blueish solo is a nice fit for the end. And the chord you strum at 2:44ish was nice, and good job with transitioning back into the themes you used in the first solo. One thing I would certainly like to hear more in here is some legato licks, as I don't think you utilized much hammer ons and pullsoffs, if even any at all.

So overall, a pretty cool improv session over here, a refreshing contrast. I'm only giving you a 6 because you didnt make the backing guitar and drums. But of course a 5 for a good cause and it doesnt look much people have yet to remedy zero bombers. anyways, sorry if you didnt like my review DWexperience, and what was said in here of course was my opinion, i atleast hope it helps for future projects :D

thedwexperience responds:

honestly man i really meant no offense with all the other stuff. i think your reviews are pretty right on. thank you very much for taking the time to actually analyze my work. that is what matters most to me, that people sit down, calm down listen and actively listen. then leave good meat and potatoes feedback. i really dont even care how people rate my stuff, as long as they like it for some reason.

for the legato, i did use one hammeron in the heavy part and then a few pull offs later on but truthfully the legato is something that either is there or not and it didnt come to me that time.

i do appreciate your feedback, probably more than anyone else only because i do know you know what your talking about but even more because you can say it all in terms much more effective than "sounds cool but somethings off.. " so thank you. please do check out my other stuff, none of this is too serious. its all stuff i dont care if someone else rips off. of course these arent any of my real songs, this is a taste for those with whom i play with so they can know what they get themselves into. but your feedback is greatly appreciated.

*drops you some luv*

nice to see you coming out with something once again ;) In this track, your drums seem to flow well and have a good consistency, which I believe some of your earlier tracks lacked IMO. so good job with this one. The overall vibes here don't have your trademark asian overtones, but still have that soft ambient, relaxing feel so I can hear your personal sound in here regarding the collab. as a whole, I don't think its your best- but mainly because its roughly under-developed and unfinished.

I do like this for it what it is tho. All the instruments meld together rather well to make for some cool harmony, Looks like you got a thin-guitar/plucky thing in the rhthym section with a juicer plucked synth in the lead, I like those melodies. Keys are decent, and the lush string pads move nicely in the background. Panning the instruments more might help your mix sound a little less uncluttered. Drum beats like I said above have a good flow, hi hats open and close smoothly, almost sounds a bit hip hopish. Bass kick is nice and boomy, tho it might be cool to use a subkick or EQ more subbass and fill in a lower tone in the string pad to increase the warmth in this track. I like how you sequenced the second half, with taking out the lead pluck and giving room for the new string melody, and then end it with combining all the instruments. I just think you could work in an actual ending, and build a better transitioning section then the instruments suddenly ending and the solo bass kick.

Despite it being an unfinished product, this is a swell done job here wyldfyre! keep on keeping on!

wyldfyre1 responds:

yeah, most of the drum work was thanks to mikeblade i only added a few things in myself drum wise.. Thanks for the review. hehe yeah your right about hearing my personal sound in this. Its funny i had this on my hard drive for a while before i finally put it up. Mike blade and i never really got to finish it =( its ok though we'll end up doing more sometime! Thanks for the review as always! Oh, if you want to check out the original i think MIkeblade Posted it on his newgrounds a while ago. Just so you can hear the difference.

sweetness, goodness, SBBness

are you secretly Stewart Copeland? You just have a similar style to some of the stuff I've heard from him..his video game work, that is.

anyways great track man (how many times do I need to tell you this) , very visual as always. I do see some melting snow indeed in here, its like your last tracks are taking a journey through a RPG game. This time around, I can see a ground of dirt and grass on top of a mountain, just coming out a snowy cave and looking at the white scenery behind me. A large, welcoming city in the hills is very close ahead, which goes great with the upbeat style. So this one kinda reminds me of a mix between winter and spring, like your title implies.

Love the levels of reverb. Those keys you start with are a nice, catchy attention getter, that deep pad in the background is marvelous and has an interesting texture. I also love that booming, echoing sub in the background with a little percussive "wah" thing to compliment it in the verse- some nice energy before leading into the chorus section. Great synth too with some very effective sliding bits. a great breakdown around 3:00, very nice ambience, with the gentle tibetan bells/electric piano and then you did a great job of working that synth in, and transitioning right back into the main beef. the fading out works especially well with that lovely pad putting a nice strawberry glaze over this track. outstanding composition, I thought for it being a 5:00 minute track it might not hurt if you used one more melody, or even messed with the main key riff by harmonizing it or doubling the riff in two octaves during the last chorus phrase. i've already listened to this track tho several times and still thoroughly enjoy it, so repetition can indeed be a good element.

kickass drums too- simple main beats that have some nice variations thrown in for good measures to keep the flow interesting. Nice hi hat rhythms to open it, decent tom fills, and shaker and tambourine percussion to go along with the scenery for good measure. Good job mixing it too, with the deep reverb and spacing each instrument out. I like how the shaker pans from ear to ear and has a good range of dynamics. kick sounds especially good when thrown in reverb, and its bass frequencies dont make the track muddy, which is I problem I usually face when reverbing my kicks. in fact the only minor complaint I have is regarding the drums. I truly believe that the snare should be louder and have more of an attack, and potentially have even more reverb than the rest of the kit, or instead just brought to the front and have less reverb. Toms could be a bit more apparent IMO too, and possibly have more mid section, to the hear the melodicalness part of them, you know what I mean?

lulz i didnt mean to make this review so long XD, anyway, great track, its the first one I've favorited by you since Celestial Life Swamp, and that was back in November right? well, seriously well done once again, look forward to hearing your next track as always :D

Cherish the moment. For in a moment, it will be gone.

Cyrus Jackson @Suspended-3rd-Chord

Age 36, Male



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