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everyone is their own harshest critic

you seem to be a little bit too hard on yourself. I honestly can't find really anything wrong with this track at all.

After all, even if you may be cocky....you are easily the best RnB producer on NG...if not in hip hop alone. NG is generally too amateur to give advice to help you as a high level producer to improve. No offense to anyone. but I do atleast hope your getting advice elsewhere in addition.

You may want to replace FL keys with a more realistic sounding piano- such as 4Front Piano, DSK Acoustic Keys, or a steinway soundfont. Also what did you use for the guitar strums? They sound really nice and clear!

I guess my second criticism would be more from a professional realm. You use the same vintage drum samples in all of your songs.....Several of your synths are noticeable sytrus presets (even if they have some tweaks). Honestly, this track is very professionaly produced, sounds fucking excellent, so i couldn't really give a shit. But it's certainly something to consider at your level, investing in some new sounds, because a label might think "this sounds a bit too FL" and your stuff might not make the cut just for this reason. Not saying that it can't get by though of course (lol soulja boy).

One thing for sure is you definetly exceed the compositional standards for your average RnB/hip hop producer.

You always impress me with your infinitely deep melodies, I dont really ever listen to RnB, but who would be better at you in this department? Not to mention, you are the master of the sliding tool, and you make some awesome drum patterns combined with the traditional vintage samples and the orchestral sounds.

For sure, it contains the danceable, head boppable elements found in RnB, while it contains an awesome set of chords and melodies for anybody to enjoy. Lots of layers going on here, all distinguishable through crisp EQ levels...lots of activity, yet room to still lay a rap over. Some of the parts are less layered, allowing room for bolder vocal sections. That in its self is impressive, it's too common to see a song in this genre that just has a basic drum beat, a bassline and a lead voicing but you've brang the entire "RnB orchestra" along.

As for the choice of synths, I absolutely love it. Beautiful organs and piano in combination, the chords feel so warm on my ears. I normally hate the sytrus saws, but you make them sound like gold. The cerberus saw sounds real fresh in some parts, and I love those whistling synths, they put a nice glaze over the track. Give the tools to the right person, and they will put them to use!

The ending was beautiful too. Really shows your ability to design a beautiful composition. I would love to see you make an ambient or classical based track. The chords and melodies in between with a thick decaying reverb makes for a beautiful finish.

If you're not selling beats already, then it's a damn shame! Sorry I couldn't think of much advice, but I see this track as 99% perfect, I'm sure you girlfriend would love this as a gift! Good luck :)

LastEncore responds:

...you never cease to amaze me with these reviews man....never. Like i almost want to give your review a ten and 5 it for sheer excellence. But in my defense this song is littered with weird issues that seem to not want to resolve. I won't get to into them out here in the open as for when i say them people may begin to notice them. And that's no good.

As far as vintage samples go this song was made along side my other tracks actually using a preset that holds as the only good sounding percussion on FL Studio(to my ear that is) ...in my defense of sound repetition as everyone points out! The guitar though as clear as it may be is a standard FL Slayer Single guitar that I put some classy effect touches on to give it a live feel. And actually I played it live to insert the rips into FL studio as I do with my piano's as well. (I'm pretty decent with effects.) But really i tried desperately to branch out of Sytrus to find some decent sounding Melodic instruments.

I see 3xOsc as my favorite melodic instrument(sliding) rips as well was Wasp Presets which I dipped into to recover the new sound that carries the melody in this one. Also my FlutterFlute, Love the mellow sound of it across the board even though it slides poorly and needs an "extra" nudge to make it happen. My other sound that you picked on :( the Chasse Arp is actually my GF's favorite sound that I use so she proclaims and even though i looked and looked for other arps to replace it none would satify me(or her) in texture and quality and overall ability to express the mood as it could.

Futhermore, I'm a so surprised at the songs success as I knew it sounded almost identical to Love&Rain(Later Destiny's Desire) even though i hoped no one would notice...you did ofcourse!? But as far as the FL Keys go I have no attachment to them and although they do sound horrible at times FL Keys actually produced warm Organ you speak of dipped again in effects to try to help out. So as bad as FL Keys is talked about it can and has(case in point) produced very beautiful sounds but yes i would love to upgrade my sounds! And no...i have not sold* a single beat ever. Even with crazy offers from some. I don't know if I have inside decided that I honestly want to be a producer even though I love music and it is my passion, my family is very....uggh, including jail, drugs things of the sort and I always swung myself to security in other things...so until i actually decide if I want to be a producer I have to weigh my options as of now I am a pre-med student and everyone I know absolutety hates that and sees me as a sell out of some sort or traitor to my music by not sharing it to the world! But hey i don't know.

Back on subject, I am again shocked at the fact the end is beautiful!? I would not have thought anyone would like it as I spent the least amount of time on it and it's actually the part with lots of issues. I won't say issues because that's incorrect but there is so much more expression in my mind i have for it but i was so exhausted from it I couldn't continue making it and as it is the end of the song it's the last thing made...so it gets the tired end of my mind as all my heart was poured into the second chorus.

But I am extremly humbled and welcomed by your damn fantastic reviews and I just can read the damn things over and over. I absolutely appreciate ever bit of advice and ever string of sentence you have written into full consideration(mostly). You should know if I ever become a 'MainStream' producer that I would ---still----seek out your opinion. All throughout you make valid points and accurate criticisms while being slightly harsh yet very forgiving all at once and always justify your score to the utmost. Very nice review man. As a matter of fact I 10 your review and vote it a 5 like i said I should. Thank you again man for all the advice given over my NG adventure and such. Seriously, I mad appreciate it. Catch you around.

~Encore *gasp* damn I'm out of breath from typing! jjjust kidding...wow this is really long!?

Marvelous, Magnificient, Majestic

Contrary to your latest track posted, this IMO is the most original and unique of your tracks.

It reminds me a bit of Maestro Rage's "The Gift" I get the same type of imagery- a desert based ambience, an adventurous mood, the feel of an underdog completing a grand task in his reward a slice of majesty. While his style was more ethnic orchestral, yours is more ethnic electronica. Awesome job of combining the more realistic instrumentation with some nice synthethic elements backing them with your genuine, deep ambient backgrounds! In the words of Borat, "VEERRY NICEEE!"

I really enjoyed the intro. A synthetic backing, but you start off the track with some ethnic sounds, great sounding panpipes, excellent percussion loops with not only some ethnic timbres, but an ethnic feeling groove as well. The strummed chords and short fragments on the plucked strings make a real nice touch. Love the little "dings" and "clicks" very exotic blend of sounds.

Then, a very interesting blend and turn when you bring in the traditional acoustic drumset and analog bass. Catchy rhythms matched by a bouncy analog bassline. I love the wah synths in the backgrounds, sounds a bit like a synthesized digeridoo. As for the dripping pads, I saw water indeed, but to me it was moreso of a blurry mirage. And the ethnic instruments act as the dryness, while the synths add a nice layer of lushness.

I really liked the transition at 2:00ish, while you had a go at fusing both styles. I like the shaker percussion, and how the rhythms aren't just straight 16ths or 8ths. And you are really good at panning, you sure know how to mix drums. The constant panning of the higher end parts makes everything feel so alive :D Really awesome flute solo, too. The notes really flow with the architecture of a desert scene.

Nice dynamic buildup with the arpeggios on the square, everything is gelling really nice together. And that note that hits at 3:30 is awesome, so great buildup and continuation which i thought your most recent track kind of lacked. I guess now would have been a swell time to switch the flutes role as a lead and give it to the square synth, to contrast styles. The square arpeggios ends on one long note, but on the second run through, it would be cool if you extended that note longer and messed with sliding the pitches around.

The plucked parts are awesome, a great addition to this track and they do their job. I like how the ending mirrored the intro, but was more active and contained more synthethic elements than the start, yet felt suitable and not too layered for an ending.


Can't think of a whole lot. That ethnic hand percussion loop was pretty much the same when you threw it in different during different places, I'd develop one or two more patterns and replace some of the same ones that repeat on the second half of the track.

That choice of ethnic strings was a beautiful selection, but it only played in sparce parts. I would definely like to see you put in a section in here where it acts as a solo instruments even if it's just for a brief 20 seconds.

The analog bass has a lot of mid texture, so when the more layered parts are introduced, it kind of fades into the mix, unheard really. Not really a bad thing as it's not as important with the other several instruments playing, but you may be able to switch to a smoother bass with more subbass to still hear that melody.

Seriously, this track OWNS. I'm very glad you focused on the small intracies, it just adds to this piece's beauty in several different ways. Lots of layering, I could pick out one instrument to focus on, and be taken away by any one. That's what makes tracks like this so great!


Definetly not your best work IMO, it sounds like you consolidated watered down elements from everything other song you have submitted this year and put it into this track here, making it lose that original, fresh feel all your other tracks offer. The only new bits in this song that sound new from you are the rock oriented drum rhythms (nice tom usage) and the bassline, making this track have an underlying alternative rock sound at points.

Although all the content in here is nice- your piano melodies sound like expansion from other songs (but work as a nice accompaniment nonetheless). Your synths are begining to sound stale, and the visually moving, sliding, long notes that used to work great as the lead voices in your tracks have lost their original charm :/ I would definetly try experimenting with different synthethic sounds and possibly mess with changing the wave shapes and what not. I just want to hear some new sounds from you :D

Also, the track seems to lack those wonderful background textures that you are so good at. Sure there's lots of juicy delay FX that build somewhat of a nice atmosphere, but there's no prominent lush pad tucked under the mix to give this track a warm backing. (Maybe that was your idea in mind for building a cold, solitude theme)

I loved the way you spaced your drums! Toms sound near in the mix, and spaced well in the L/R speakers. The occasional bits of the percussion at times that were panned were a real nice touch. Definetly some good mixing in here all around for sure.

You sequenced and arranged the parts in here real nicely, adequate intro and chorus section to build into the first drop..putting in the progressive additions and slightly varying the melodic themes...it was real interesting. And when you automated the EQ cuts on the drums and put in the choir and let the instruments run their course...it sounded real nice. But I was a bit disappointed when you went back into the last sequence, as it was not really different from the previous sections before. Keep the choirs in there, make them stand out and build chords on them. Make the track's pace seem faster by applying some louder ride cymbals or maybe even a fast shaker rhythm. I was kind of expecting a new melody and/or new synth, but saw none of it :( Maybe have the flute harmonize with the lead synth to and see how that works out. Just some ideas to make your ending part more interesting (but the conclusion was cool though)

As far as the imagery tieng along with the track, it does feel cold and empty. I think you could have employed even more reverb on the drums, maybe amp up the decay controls or add a slight delay/echo to kind of give off that large, empty area feel. Also, to me it doesn't seem to generate a dark or sad feel because of the life being eliminated on Earth, but moreso a vision from centuries into the future when the Earth is calm and just a legend. Nice description, btw.

So overall a great composition, I just want to hear some fresher ideas from you :D Now to review your track "Oasis" like I said I would 1 month ago....

I thought I reviewed this already

hmm, guess not. It's also a crime that I don't have this in my favorites.

I wasn't too fond of this when I first heard it, but I stumbled across it today when I was jogging and now its my favorite from you.

Really like the mix of styles in here, great use of the acoustic instruments and combining them with a fresh electronica style. Intro is really interesting with the guitar strumming, cool drumbeat, and freaky sounding synths lurking on the side. Great drum samples, I absolutely love the well placed glitch FX and bitchrushed parts.

Sax moves very well too, and the way you layer it sounds so nice anf flows quite smoothly. I love the jazz licks which sound quite moody in parts and energetic in others. I could dance and cry at the same time. That doesn't happen often now does it.

I really like the glassy sounding synth that enters at 00:57, it really puts a nice atmosphere around the whole track. And the drop at 1:30 was fucking beautiful.

Acoustic guitars and bass were a nice touch, they really do a good job filling a void when the sax exits. Great sliding licks too, so smooooth. Vocals were quite cool too, I like how you sang in a foreign language (spanish) and had the heavily reverbed vocals flow in the background which gradually automate into a higher pitch sounding a bit like chipmunks. Bells were well sequenced with the fade, good chord placement and harmonization.

perfectly mixed, amazing and super duper interesting from the start to finish, absolutely no criticism and I don't have any suggestions on how you could improve, which is a rarity from me. its truly perfect.

well, i really enjoyed this one, and thought I'd let you know in case you stumble across this page again. Hope you release more tracks like this soon.


snoballandthmonyshot responds:

thanks a lot chap, awesome review:/

I dig

Like the guy said below me, I first listened to this several months ago (as many of your other songs as well)

I would say this piece shows some of your versatility. Most of your stuff (if you dont mind me saying) generally has a dark, creepy, or mellow theme and this track displays how you can do a good job at creating an upbeat mix.

Really like the synth development in here, those pitch LFO effects (?) are really awesome. Main melody is well constructed, and the themes progress well throughout and repetition is utilized nicely without going over the top. Some of the acid bits fit in like a charm. Beat is fitting but nothing special (as it usually never is for these genres) and I like the slight but long phasing FX on the hats. The automated part in the break area flows into the last part quite well, where all the synths and melodies can meld together adequately to make for an energetic finish.

no complaints here. maybe one minor technical qualm that doesnt make a huge difference, but maybe just a touch of more bass could be applied to the kick.

Good song, and a good game too! Although I could never get past level 10 I think it was.

snayk responds:

Thanks for the review! I have to say, you've got some of the most in-depth, accurate, GOOD (though sometimes intimidating to respond to :P) reviews.

I'm really glad you like the song! Thanks again.

Great visuals and ideas

I really liked how you patched the individual elements in here to really flow along with the title and main themes. Brilliant work!

The intro has a lot of character, with the detuned, dark sounding piano with a subtle, but powerful melody and the eerie ambient textures (may I ask how you make these? or do you find or sample them from something? I've been trying to make a lot of experimental stuff lately, and you are a huge inspiration :D ). It would work really well while a shady character is staring down the hole, about to venture right down.

I appreciate the drum buildup with you including the acoustic toms so the heavy beat doesnt come into suddenly. But when it came in, it sounded like a classic snayk track :) Great distorted, glitchy industrial sound with a very interesting beat. Every piece sounds like it is carefully placed so the beat isnt too random or sporadic (which is easy to do when including glitch FX). Love the retriggering and reverse effects!

The ending is quite suitable- although it does sound similar to the intro so may I suggest that you include one more melody on the piano (in an even higher octave register would add more creepiness methinks) to kind of build it back into the intro and add another element.

Great job as always snayk, I hope to see this get used in an experimental style flash (like Catoblepas') !


Very mastefully produced Firebolt! This is a very, very rare instance when I give dance/trance tracks 10/10.

I really love the emotion put into this piece, some great melodical ideas.

Sidechaining is real sharp in the intro. I really love that synth on the top, it has a nice futurisitc feel to it which works great in the introductory themes. The build is great, starting off with a nice kick, and those cool clap samples, and furthermore bringing in the hi-hats. So great job with the intro.

I really enjoyed the next section as well. Great keys progression (it sounds quite familiar, from that movie Night at the Roxbury I think) and the lead melody on the saw is a keeper.

Great job at keeping an intensive flow of energy throughout, and arranging and putting together all the patterns and snippets together well. Enough repetition to make the track danceable as whole, but progressive variations to keep the whole audio clip interesting.

Might I also add that the production is very crisp and well mixed. Good job at bringing out and mixing all the samples and synths to give a professional sounding, well defined sound.

Constructive criticism? I really can't think of anything in here in how you could improve. sorry, just returning an overdue review. Like said above, you did an exceptionally well job at producing this track and I honestly can't find any flaws-might just not be my genre.

I guess I can dig out two unneccessary criticisms hehe :P The reverbed hollow sounding synth that you start with is mostly a percussive element added to the track, it might be cool if you made bit of a melody out of it to add more diversity. Also, when you introduced the piano chord progression, some left hand, higher end melodies may add to the track if you just layed down a few notes. It would really bring out the more emotional side of this track. Again, these are just uneeded suggestions but may you find them useful in the future :P

Artists like you, Karco, and MrMilkCarton really make this type of music appeal to me. I'm thinking about buying Nexus and checking it out because I want to create dance music, but so far my attempts have failed. and I suck at making good sounding synths from scratch, so.

Keep up the good work man!

FlamingFirebolt responds:

wow thanks for the huge review! you dont see them like that anymore. (maybe karco :O )

anyways since you reviewed it point to point...
Why dont you give more dance/trance tracks a 10? okey its a more populair genre so it has to do something to stand out... but dance is the easiest genre to make ^^

About the sidechaining. to be honest it isnt sidechained! its some weird bass sound with a slight pitch change while the note is playing. that might sound fantastic and great but its just an preset Eqed a little... yeah nexus preset so go buy nexus now :P

About the intro. I really suck at intro's. i just do. i cant build an decent intro. so thanks you liked it. that sound (sounds like a synthesized version of some1 slamming a metal pipe) is actually a sample! so it might dissapoint you. and the beats you here in the intro.. are actually the same beat/percussion played trough the whole song. except the cymbal on the kick.

The key progression is really simple. something like G#, C,D#.. then drop the G# to the G. and theres the next chord. dance music is next to simplicity :)

does it sound crisp? maybe sharp?.. well the problem was, i had such an pain eqing the whole damn thing that i just made the kick and bass bigger. and on the lead and piano i 'deleted' the bass. so it stays seperate. it turned out better then i expected since it was really easy ^^

I dont really understand about the criticsm of the piano. Quote: ''Also, when you introduced the piano chord progression, some left hand, higher end melodies may add to the track if you just layed down a few notes. It would really bring out the more emotional side of this track.''
well its just the chord progression and the bassline only in that rhytme you hear. so yeah, i might aswell added some notes here and there but it kinda ruined it. since i was planning for more of an background thing and not as a main lead.

i dont know who MrMilkCarton is. his name sounds funny so i might aswell go check his Account. But being kinda compared with Karco is awesome. i love his style and i agree hes a great artist. but that doesnt matter to you :P

Okey, since this WHOLE song is made with nexus, if you liked some of the sounds go buy the damn thing! its great program and lots of people use it. (piracy i suspose). but the plugin is more preset work then really making your own Synth. ( but since you said you sucked at that youll do fine:) )

i will keep up the 'good' work!
thanks you liked it!
Your reveiw really helped me and its nice that there still song people around who WOULD bother to typ more then 1 sentence. you might be in the 'excessive' part of the group ^^.


Nice bit o' funk and bass

this is a nice cheery track with a nice spin on DnB (actually I really see nothing DnB about it O_o, what subgenre would this be?) with great happy vibes and an overall pleasant feel. I could see this in a 70s sitcom where a skinny black guy with a pencil moustache is walking to school, greeting people as he walks on the sidewalk with his spinning dancing moves.

haha, I think I recognize and like the James Brown samples. it does give the track a nice touch. Decent bassline (especially the chromatic sections in transitions where pulled off nicely) and chord progression, nothing to special but it flows well. What I really do like is the melody. It's extremely catchy and rememberable. THis will get stuck in my head and I will end up humming it!

Nice synth work, simple cheery synths that work great with the track.

I have to agree with the below reviewers on the kick. The beat feels fine, to me atleast. It's got a good groove and nice samples-except the kick. Something feels wrong about, like there some random artificat added to it or someone punched a hole in a bass drum. I would prefer a different acoustic sample.

a bit outside your normal range from what I've heard you post on NG- but its nice! keep it up and continue to explore different styles :)

Nav responds:

Haha, this is technically something like breaks? Maybe, not too sure. Its just supposed to be in-game music! Also lol pencil mustache.

Yep, the drums were all James Brown, thanks about the catchy part! It just sorta came to me :)

The kick was from the same sample as the rest of the percussion, so chances are I will change it!

Thanks for the review! I am trying to branch out so I can learn! :D

you did this all in GB?

iv so, decent beat, with good piano melodies.

The distorted kick is pretty nice, but could have more boom. You don't really have a bassline in here (atleast from what my headphones can hear), so may EQing on subass or laying it with the sub in GB would be nice.

The intro was pretty cool. I like that percussion in the background, and the left hand melodies carry a nice catchy melody, while the chord progresion wasnt too interesting and overalll simple but it does fit the genre. Good job at sequencing the themes and translating the melody on to the new clicky synth (which I cant say I really liked to be honest, it could probably use a subtle EQ cut to remove some of the higher frequencies). Strings and brass flow pretty well, it would be pretty easy to lay a rap over this.

I do like the piano solo section. It does seem a bit empty and could use some quiet strings that slowly flade in about 8 bars or so before the buildup. I also think that the major chord arpeggiation felt like an uneeded filler around 2:46ish, and didnt need to be in there. If you switched the last chord to a minor it might make the buildup back into the main beef more interesting.

The last section was good! You included one more melody, got the hi-hats rolling, and made it generally the most climatic part which is usually what a song calls for.

So overall, nice composition, not any errors really. and its mixed pretty well. Although, the last part around 3;22ish seems a bit "busy" and you may want to mess with panning, and different levels of reverbs so that your instruments sound like theyre coming from their own places and not fighting for room, making the track sound fuller and more clear. I wish I could give more specific tips, but I myself am no mixer.

I like you're sitting room melodies track more (which I was actually listening to earlier today!) but this one is fresh too! Certainly more refreshing than most mainstream rap beats. Keep it flowing.

timpinisucks responds:

Wow. Most comprehensive review I've ever recieved. I'll definitely keep all that in mind. Thanks for taking the time.


I can finally fit this into my favorites since its generally closed to being finished!

I already reviewed the first portion, its still solid!

Smooth transitioning into the second part. I really like the direction you took with it and gave your track a dark, wicked quiet yet powerful, twist. As the nobles eat and dance in their castles, living their safe and regal lifestyles, their lies an evil yet powerful
wizard in the chums. He's cooking up an evil plan to take over the city and capture the princess. </generic RPG storyline> Yeah, I love it. Magnificent playing on the harp, each note leaving its presence and fluid dynamics to accentuate the movements. My favorite part would have to be with the clarinets come in at 2:04 to add some sadness to the track.

as a matter of fact, I don't see the problem with it ending here. I dont know your personal intentions for the piece-but I think the track has done its purpose in exploring the goods and evils of what it reminded me of atleast.

anyways, great work, cant find anything wrong with it really, and its certainly above average so 10/10 for you :D

Twistedtechnology responds:

really? i personally feel it kinda just.....ends... rather suddenly and almost unresolvingly.

Glad you liked the harp, i was quite fond of it myself...and i was expecting you to comment on those clarinets XD I figure you'd like those :)

Anywho, thanks a lot for the review!!! and teh votes! If i do end up puting more into this im sure you'll be the first to hear about it XDXD

Cherish the moment. For in a moment, it will be gone.

Cyrus Jackson @Suspended-3rd-Chord

Age 36, Male



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