I've gotten annoyed by all the complaining on the NG AP, not just the zero bombing rants, but people leaving, and the people that think there is a right way to write music, and the people who think they know what classifies as music and what doesn't. and many feel that CRAP and what is WHORED only gets recognition and praise. A possible counter to that is to just say "No, what you like, doesn't get recognition. What YOU THINK is good doesn't get recognition".
Several audio artists have left NG/stopped uploading audio (just a cry for attention, they will be back eventually as long as they aren't signed, still have fans, and have access to the internet) recently. I only have respect for those that are leaving due to RL issues and can't find the time ATM. Those that are leaving due to problems with zero-bombing /disliking the score system/ feeling that this site is corrupt- you are only contributing to the negativity, nothing less. There is one more audio artist (DJ Immune) that is leaving for a respectable reason, because there is "more complaints than compliments".
Plus, go ahead and leave. Newgrounds is one of the best (ask me why) large scale sites for audio uploading and feedback- especially if you are a newbie or you have a style aside from what would appeal in mainstream music. This site offers lots of opportunities (which you may have to just look for) for both beginners and experts alike. And I will gladly explain in detail if requested.
I was reading over some reviews written by others, and a response that I saw by Swirly Helix to his song Rabbit Helix is a great conclusive quote to end these type of rants that I have been looking for. Now while it may be obvious to some, (and I have said this in different ways many times) my above message shows why it is not with all. Now it would be boring if we all operated like robots with the same viewpoints, and it would be boring if we all said, "this is artistic in some sense whether or not I agree, 10/10 great job". I encourage you to share your honest opinions with others. But before thinking negatively again, keep this in mind:
"The beauty of music is not written, it is interpreted"
You could apply that to any type of art.
Now apply that to anything in the world too.
You're a saint and you're right. We all crave attention we don't deserve. It's human nature. We just want the comfort of feeling that someone cares about us and what we do. We all want to be told that we're smart, that we're right and that we're great people.
I love you, but I can assure you it's entirely platonic.
all love is welcome, both platonic and romantic ;)
like you said, we all have a desire to get noticed- some want to become rich and famous, some just want to get noticed to just that people that only give a shit. So you're right, FJK is like all of us- but not in the sense in the way we try to get noticed. Like I said on your blog page, kudos to you for being humble, but you were never really in the wrong to begin with from how I see it.
I see flaws in my writing all the time. I try to be unbiased and think through what I say through so I have a well backed up message. It doesn't prevent me from expressing my opinions because hearing discordant ones will only make me more educated in the end. And I welcome that.
and i'm not a saint by any means, maybe not so much on NG but I like to do a little harmless trolling on the interwebs ;)
and since you said "human nature" i'm going to direct you to one of my favorite songs also called "human nature"
"It's in our nature to kill ourselves. It's in our nature to fall over the troubled hardships of life and it seems as though everyone has had a turn for the worst. It's in our nature to help those who are in time of need and it's in our nature to just as easily ignore them. It's in our nature to completely think only of ourselves.
All I can ask at the moment is.. "When? When will we start giving a ...."
This a sad tune for a sad and yet another depressing Friday. "
http://edgen.hostpaw.com/edgen_hu man_nature.mp3